Hi everyone! 

I’ve been percolating on a ‘pay it forward’ idea for a while and I think it's now time to push it out! 

The curation of our headshotsMatter network, isn’t only designed to present cool and creative work, but to also highlight a collective of kind and compassionate photographers. 

That said, since December is typically a month of giving and charitable sentiments, with January following as a month of new beginnings, I thought it would be a great time to suggest a new headshotsMatter initiative called headshotsGiving. I’d like to encourage our photographers to give away at least one free headshot. This could be done at least once a month to someone who is deserving and in need of a ‘creative leg up' for their personal, professional or creative brand.

The free headshot could be a charitable gift to someone in need, or it could be a creative gift to anyone who would benefit from a new headshot. 

This headshot gift could be used for LinkedIn, to help someone with their professional brand or to help them promote their services on a website or social network. Whatever is most helpful to the recipient!

The cool marketing benefit for each photographer is the creation of interesting stories and content to share on their social media. It’s also an opportunity to use your ‘creative muscle’ to not only be generous, but to also have fun connecting with new people!

I'd like to suggest using the unique hashtag #headshotsGiving along with tagging headshotsMatter when posting your gifted headshots. We can then of course share them on the headshotsMatter social accounts.  

Have fun gifting and connecting!

Cheers, Dwayne.