1 / Dwayne Brown / Corporate Photographer

© Dwayne Brown

Dwayne Brown is a commercial/corporate photographer in Ottawa, Canada with over 40 years experience photographing people from all walks of life. Dwayne is also the founder and community curator of the global community Headshots Matter.

1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Being on a photo drive with my wife Jennifer - exploring a road we've never been on before.

2. What is your greatest fear or challenge?
I'm most challenged when I can't solve ‘the problem’, but I've learned that it usually only takes stepping away from it and coming back with a fresh perspective.

3. What is the trait that you most value in yourself?
I love connecting good folks with good folks.

4. What is the trait that you most value in others?
Kindness! Where would we be without it?

5. Which living person do you most admire?
I really admire my wife Jennifer. She's kind, creative, intelligent and sees the best in others. And super interesting!

6. What is your greatest extravagance?
Eating out in restaurants.

7. What is your current state of mind?
Calm, mixed with restlessness to keep pushing forward.

8. What do you consider to be the most underrated virtue?
Kindness. I know everyone likes kindness, but I do think it's not revered enough.

9. On what occasion do you break the rules?
Whenever the rules don't make sense.

10. What do you most like about your life?
That I have a vocation or trade that allows me to meet so many cool and interesting people.

11. What is the quality you most enjoy in someone you work with?
Tenacity. My studio creative partner, Anita, has incredible tenacity.

12. Which words, phrases, or gestures do you most overuse?
Air quotes.”

13. What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My wife Jennifer, definitely. I've waited a long time to find the shiniest pebble on the beach!

14. When and where are you happiest?
Usually when I'm shooting something or someone I care about. Although I do love a meditative garden walk shooting flowers.

15. Which talent would you most like to have?
To be able to be better at remembering the things I've learned while on a shoot.

16. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I'm pretty happy with who I am and where I've come to in life.

17. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
I guess it would be building Headshots Matter. It's pretty humbling to see such a kind and supportive global community come together. A talented bunch, yes, but also super good folks!

18. Where would you most like to live?
Anywhere with my wife and also not too far from my kids.

19. What is your most treasured possession?
I'm not a possession kinda guy. I prefer experiences.

20. What is your favourite way to spend your time?
Being a photographer is pretty cool. I get to observe and record. And if I'm really lucky I get to change someone's life a little, with my photography.

21. Who are your heroes in real life?
My kids. They both are so different and both so creative. And I think they both do their best to overcome the adversities in their lives differently.

22. What is your ultimate dealbreaker?
When people go out their way to be unkind.

23. What is your greatest regret?
I don't really have regrets. Any mistakes I've made along the way have always taught me great lessons.

24. What has been your favourite journey?
My 42 years in business being a commercial photographer. Best job ever!

25. What kind of legacy would you like to leave?
My photography would be the obvious answer, but I think it's probably better to be remembered for being kind and inspiring others to be kind as well.

For more information about Dwayne Brown and his photography you can find him at: www.dwaynebrownstudio and also on social at: LinkedIn / Instagram / Bluesky


Dwayne Brown

Dwayne Brown has dedicated his adult life to professional photography. Throughout this extensive career he has had the opportunity to photograph a diverse array of people in many places, contributing to his personal and professional growth. His continued curiosity and desire to craft excellent imagery fuel his passion for headshot photography.