Mike Euclide Jean-Baptiste / Montreal, Quebec Canada
/© Mike Euclide Jean-Baptiste / Headshots matter
“A facial expression is a human language that no dictionary can convey. You cannot write enough books to explain who you really are. Headshots do just that: help to see reality more clearly.” - Mike Jean-Baptiste
Dwayne Brown
Bonjour Mike! We’re very grateful to have you as a part of Headshots Matter. Your optimistic attitude and natural empathy are a great addition to our HSM community.
Can you share a little about your journey to becoming a headshot photographer in Montreal and what attracted you to this portrait specialty?
Mike Jean-Baptiste:
Bonjour Dwayne, let me start by saying that after a year at HSM, I am profoundly grateful for your influence on my photography career.
As for my story, I was drawing faces since I was probably 5 years old. My teachers used to think I was taking notes in class, but in reality, I was sketching portraits in my books, lol.
After High School, I tried to get an art degree and had a 35 mm analog camera, but I didn’t complete it (silly young me, haha). I turned to nursing because I saw how it could feed me. But around 2018, my wife told me: ¨You always talk about framing and colours when we are watching movies; why don’t you get yourself a camera and see what it does for you?¨
So I tried. Without really anticipating it, I naturally gravitated to portraits! I guess my 5-year-old self wanted me to become just that; haha.
Montreal has a vibrant and diverse culture. How has the city’s cultural and business diversity impacted your photography and headshot business?
Montreal has many cultural backgrounds, so you learn about many kinds of immigrant stories, making you want to listen to more of them. People don’t usually scream out loud that they have businesses here, but it’s changing and permits me to know more entrepreneurs who now realize they need to be seen with a portrait!
Can you recall a particularly memorable or challenging headshot session that impacted you as a photographer?
Yes! One client liked quite a few of his pictures and ended up taking five. But there were two that he didn’t choose that I preferred. I told him that they were the best. He said: “No, it looks too much like me. I don’t like that.” I still sent them, and guess which one he is using in his LinkedIn profile?
What defines your unique style in headshot photography, and how do you ensure each client’s personality shines through in your work?
My philosophy is this: show the TRUTH. The other: CONNECT.
My lighting is based on Sean Lewthwaite’s philosophy: There is only one sun in the sky. It may be vague, but that’s what I strive for, haha.
In your experience, what are some common challenges in headshot photography, and how do you approach overcoming them?
Headshots could easily not be about art, but to me, they should, so I study paintings daily, read books, draw, sketch, and test light positions to keep it as artistic as it should be and keep developing my eye.
Who or what inspires your work, and how have your experiences and influences shaped your approach to headshot photography?
My wife, for the encouragement. Also, my cousin, who is a photographer himself (mostly architectural work), as he was my first mentor.
The photographers, I look up to:
Steve McCurry: Afghanistan’s book
Scott Schuman: India’s book
The HSM photographers
As for painters:
For individuals aspiring to enter the field of headshot photography, what advice would you offer them based on your own experiences and success?
A camera is a tool that you should play with as much as possible, so play a lot. But also, show your work to mentors so they can teach you how to use your camera as a communicator. Join a group of helpful, seasoned pros like HSM!
Lastly, in your opinion, why do Headshots Matter?
A facial expression is a human language that no dictionary can convey. You cannot write enough books to explain who you really are. Headshots do just that: help to see reality more clearly.
Thanks so much Mike! We love that you and your five year old self are BOTH a part of Headshots Matter! To learn more about Mike Euclide Jean-Baptiste and his headshot work in Montreal, please take a peek at his website: montrealheadshot.com
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