Who is the best headshot photographer for you?

Well, that comes down to a number of different factors.

Who you choose to take your headshots is an important consideration - whether you’re an actor or professional in the business world, having the right imagery can play an important part in the impression others have of you. Having a headshot taken shouldn’t be a scary experience and having the right photographer behind the camera will make a lot of difference. Below are my top four tips for choosing the right headshot photographer.

The 4 Ps.


A headshot photographer’s portfolio will give you a really clear understanding of how they’re likely to shoot the images they take of you. Are you looking for something bright and airy, or would you prefer something a bit moodier? Every photographer is different, and they have different things to offer. Whether that’s a range of interesting backdrops or lighting setups that will give you a range of options when choosing the final images you want to buy, or a way of helping you pose well. Some photographers have really honed their posing skills and can help you make that smile look real - sometimes this is a well practiced set of dad jokes, sometimes its chatting about the weather. Their portfolio is probably the first thing you should consider when choosing a headshot photographer.


A headshot photographer’s process isn’t the same thing as their portfolio. If a photographer prefers to shoot for a shorter period of time and shoot multiple clients in one day, or whether they prefer to work with only one client per day and take their time they should tell you on their website. A shorter shooting time means less attention is paid to what you’re looking for, less time to get multiple iterations of outfits, backgrounds and lighting setups. But, there is a payoff - a photographer who shoots for a shorter period of time will most likely be less expensive. If price is your deciding factor (see the next section), then maybe this is the route to go. There are many excellent headshot photographers in London who do shoots that last one hour, or less. Another important question to ask about the process is whether they have a studio or they shoot outside. Lots of headshot photographers find natural light to be the best light to work with. But are you standing against a brick wall in the winter? If you’d rather work in a studio, then make sure you ask this question if its not obvious on their website - I have a dedicated studio located very conveniently in Bermondsey, not far from London Bridge. You might also want to book a hair and make up artist - so check with your potential photographer to see if they offer this - often this will be an extra and many photographers have HMUAs they work with regularly.


Total price may be an important factor in deciding whether you work with one headshot photographer or another. In London, headshot photographers charge anywhere from £100 to £1000 plus. In short, cheapest isn’t always best - but neither is most expensive. Choosing someone who fits in your budget isn’t as simple as the price listed on the website - what a photographer offers for that price, their overall value, is a much more important consideration. How long is the session? Do they include anything else in the session (for example, I offer a free one hour top up session within a year for returning clients)? How accommodating are they to your needs? Often price is only one of many factors, and spending more in the short term and getting what you want is often better than going for the cheaper option but coming away unhappy.

Check out my booking page to see my prices and what’s included in the session.


Choosing a headshot photographer often comes down to the photographer’s personality. Working with someone for a few hours can be quite an intense experience and finding a photographer who “gets” you is important. Do your research, read their reviews on Google, maybe even book a call with them - I love chatting with prospective clients on the phone, it really helps us start a relationship. Get to know how they think before booking them. I have an interview online here that might give you a sense of my personality.

At the end of the day, you should listen to both your heart and your brain - if you love a photographer’s work, but they’re outside your budget maybe save up for a few months, take on an extra shift, or ask them about finance options - on the flip side don’t always listen to your heart, maybe you just need three shots right now and £150 is a good price to get you “out there”. As your experience grows, as you mature or get further in your career, the dream photographer will be there ready to work with you when you’re ready to work with them.

For a list of amazing headshot photographers in the UK and beyond head over to headshotsMatter.

© Tom Trevatt

Dwayne Brown

Dwayne Brown has dedicated his adult life to professional photography. Throughout this extensive career he has had the opportunity to photograph a diverse array of people in many places, contributing to his personal and professional growth. His continued curiosity and desire to craft excellent imagery fuel his passion for headshot photography.